
Mergers & Acquisitions

Haiwen is one of China's most preeminent law firms in the M&A field.  Our lawyers participate widely in large scale, sophisticated structure and innovative domestic and cross-border M&A transactions.  We represent buyers, sellers, lenders, and financial advisors and provide legal services from different perspectives.  Our clients include domestic and international companies, investment banks, venture capital funds, private equity funds, commercial banks and insurance companies, etc.

💞In extremely complex M&A transactions, our dedicated lawyers can always provide professional insights that increase efficiency in transaction structure planning, and execution.  Our team in dispute resolution, securities, banking and financing, antitrust, employment andlabor, tax, intellectual property, real estate, and other specialty areas can also provide seamless support andrelevant professional advice and assist clients in completing M&A transactions.


Lawyers at Haiwen are graduates of prestigious law schools in China and abroad, and many have worked at some of the most respected international law firms. The depth of our expertise, the breadth of our experience, and the excellence of our team spirit enable us to provide full range of high-quality services to our clients.


Contact Us
Address:20/F Fortune Financial Center 5 Dong San Huan Central Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100020, China
Telephone:+86 10 8560 6888
Fax:+86 10 8560 6999
Address:Unit 2605,Jing An Kerry Center Tower 1 No.1515 Nan Jing West Road Jing'an District Shanghai 200040, China
Telephone:+86 21 6043 5000
Fax:+86 21 5298 5030
Address:Suites 1101-1104, 11/F, One Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong, China
Telephone:+852 3952 2222
Fax:+852 3952 2211
Address:Room 3801, Tower Three, Kerry Plaza 1 Zhong Xin Si Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 518048, China
Telephone:+86 755 8323 6000
Fax:+86 755 8323 0187
Address:Unit 01, 10-12, 20/F, China Overseas International Center Block C, 233 Jiao Zi Avenue, High-tech District, Chengdu 610041, China
Telephone:+86 28 6391 8500
Fax:+86 28 6391 8397
Address:Room 3508-3509, 35/F, Hainan Building 5 Guoxing Avenue, Meilan District Haikou 570100, China
Telephone:+86 898 6536 9667
Fax:+86 898 6536 9667
Beijing ICP No. 05019364-1 Beijing Public Network Security 110105011258
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