


作者: 刘宇翔 吴琼




Interpretation of Laws and Regulations: Draft Amendments to the Criminal Law (XII) Issued, Adding Crimes Related to Breach of Trust and Dereliction of Duty by Personnel of Non-State-Owned Enterprises, and Adjusting the Penalties for Bribery-Type Crimes


Quick View of New Regulations: Extension of Two Preferential Policies on Individual Income Tax and Increase of Three Additional Special Deduction Standards for Individua🅠l Income Tax


Quick View of New Regulations: Beijing Adjusted Minimum Wage Standard; Tianjin Updated Labor Implementation Rules for the Labor Contract Law; Hangzhou Issued Implementation Measures for Childcare Subsidies; Five Departments Issue Reference Texts for System to Prevent and Eliminate Mismanagement Risks and Hazards


Exploration of Typical Cases: The Supreme People’s Cꦇourt Releases Typical Cases on Focusing Justice and Efficiency and Practicing Socialist Core Valueꦜs

主要表现 装修成功案例:成都市通州区民众人民法院报发布公告三起劳作争执主要表现 装修成功案例

Exploration of Typical Cases: Tongzhou District People’s Court of Beijing Released Three Typical Cases of Labor Disputes


Exploration of Typical Cases: Changping Dis📖trict People’s Court of Beijing Released the White Paper on Labor Disputes Trial and Integrity Cons♒truction

主要表现 装修案例库:上海市初级我们法官发布了2018-2030年涉新就业꧋机会特征纷争案件审理裁决行业报告暨八大主要表现 装修案例库

Exploration of Typical Cases: Suzhou Intermediate People’s Court Released the White Paper on ♔Trial of Cases of Disputes Involving New Work Models and Ten Typical Cases in 2018-2022


Interpretation of Laws and Regulations: Draft Amendments to the Criminal Law (XII) Issued, Adding Crimes Related to Breach of Trust and Dereliction of Duty by Personnel of Non-State-Owned Enterprises, and Adjusting the Penalties for Bribery- Crimes

《炎黄国民共合国刑法典调整案(12)(草案)》(如下统称“《草案》”)于2023-5年3月27日起公开监督听取提出的意见。《草案》共拟调整 7条酷刑条文,包含下例几个工作方面:
The Draft Amendments to the Criminal Law of the PRC (XII) (“Draft”) was issued on July 27, 2023 for public consultation. The Draft proposed to amend seven penal provisions, covering the following two areas:
1. 将非发生产相同每天的运营、为亲朋好友非发牟利和徇私舞弊提价折股、个人出售国家资源罪的刑事罪主题映射到非国家企业公司
Extending the subject matter of the Crime of Illegally Engaging in Similar Businesses, Crime of Illegally Seeking Profits for Relatives and Friends, and Crime of Practicing Favoritism by Converting Shares at Low Prices or Selling State-Owned Assets, to Non-State-Owned enterprises
The Draft extended the subject matter of Crime of Illegally Engaging in Similar Businesses as stipulated in Article 165, Crime of Illegally Seeking Profits for Relatives and Friends as stipulated in Article 166, and Crime of Practicing Favoritism by Converting Shares at Low Prices or Selling State-Owned Assets as stipulated in Article 169 of the current Criminal Law, from state-owned enterprises to non-state-owned enterprises, and also extended personnel’s breach of trust and dereliction of duty of the foreign-funded enterprises and other enterprises into the scope of criminal law.
2. 变更完整行贿类刑事犯罪分子的惩处规定标准,设定行贿类刑事犯罪分子刑事权责
The penalty provisions for bribery crimes were revised and improved, and the criminal liability for such crimes was adjusted.
The Draft enhanced the penal provisions for bribery, with the inclusion of six aggravating circumstances. Some examples included offering multiple briberies,  bribery towards multiple persons or state officials. Additionally, the penalty grades and maximum penalties for bribery penal provisions had been modified, with the Crime of Taking Bribes by Entities, Crime of Offering Bribes to an Entity, and Crime of Offering Bribes by an Entity being raised from a single grade of penalty to two. Maximum penalties had also been increased accordingly.
Haiwen Suggestions: Starting in May 2023, fourteen state ministries and commissions jointly issued the Points for Rectifying Unethical Medical Procurement and Sales and Services in 2023, the Disciplinary Committee of the Communist Party, National Supervisory Commission of the PRC held a mobilization meeting to coordinate Disciplinary Inspections and Supervisory Organizations in targeting corruption. Local anti-corruption efforts in the medical field had also been expedited. Combined with revising the breach of trust and dereliction of duty related to the Draft, enterprises should focus on enhancing prevention measures and internal governance systems to prevent employees from crossing the criminal law red line.


Quick View of New Regulations: Extension of Two Preferential Policies on Individual Income Tax and Increase of Three Additional Special Deduction Standards for Individual Income Tax

1. 财政预算部、國家税收总署于202五年3月18日发布消息《关与变更注册全面全面实🃏施长期性有二次🃏奖励自己的所得的到税的政策文件的公告信息》,将长期性有二次奖励不划入如今综合评估所得的到、全面全面实施按月重新计征的的政策文件延至202六年底。

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) issued an announcement on August 18, 2023, extending the implementation of the Policy on Individual Income Tax on Annual Lump-sum Bonus until the end of 2027. The policy permitted annual lump-sum bonuses to remain excluded from the current year’s consolidated income and enforced monthly separate taxation.

2. 不需要部、國家税务上的总署于202五年9月18日上架《对持续具体实施面市子有限公司股份奖励有🐼关于人个所得的税🌊税政策解读性的信息公告》,将面市子有限公司股份奖励不划入年少整合所得的税、全款单一所得税计算的政策解读性延至202六年底。

The MOF and the SAT issued an Announcement on August 18, 2023, extending the implementation of the Policy on the Continuation of the Implementation of Individual Income Tax Policies on Equity Incentives for Listed Companies until the end of 2027. The policy ensured that equity incentives for listed companies would not be merged with the consolidated income of the current year, and full-amount separate taxation would instead apply.

3.  云南省人民政府于2024年八月28日公布的《更🌜多提升一个人所获资金税有关的督查控制附带减免要求的控制》,将三周岁下面的婴小孩子照护、子女文化艺术培训文化艺术培训、抚养父母四项督查控制附带减免要求分别是提升了1000/月,更改后的减免要求自2024年4月1日起实现。

  1. The State Council issued a Notificat🌄ion regarding the Increment of Special Additional Deductions Standard for Individual Income Tax on August 28, 2023. This increment had raised the standard of special additional deductions for infants and young children under the age of 3, children’s education, and support for the elderly by ¥1,000 per month. These new standards had been enforced since 1 January 2023.


Quick View of New Regulations: Beijing Adjusted Minimum Wage Standard; Tianjin Updated Labor Implementation Rules for the Labor Contract Law; Hangzhou Issued Implementation Measures for Childcare Subsidies; Five Departments Issue Reference Texts for System to Prevent and Eliminate Mismanagement Risks and Hazards

1. 背景变动低点很大打工族薪资标准规范

Beijing Adjusted Minimum Wage Standard

2023-5年8月11日,天津市人工成本费环境资源和世界 后勤保障局上线《对懂得整改天津市2023-5年至少工薪标淮的的控制》。2023-5年2月1日起,天津市至少工薪标淮的由每小時不不超过13.33元、年底不不超过232零元,懂得整改为每小時不不超过13.91零元、年底不不超过242零元。这里面,劳作者应得的上班、添加工薪,劳作者小编应补缴的相关世界 保障费和商品房公积金贷款等工程不于为至少工薪🔜标淮的的构造那部分,择人行业应按规则予以付款。

On July 11, 2023, the Beijing MOHRSS issued ꦿa notice regarding the minimum wage standard in Beijing for 2023. Effective from September 1, 2023, the minimum wage standard in Beijing has been raised from not less than ¥13.33 per hour and ¥2,320 per month to not less than ¥13.91 per hour and ¥2,420 per month. Among them, items such as overtime pay owed to employees, and various employee social insurance contributions and housing fund payments were not included in the minimum wage standar꧅d. Employers must pay these separately in accordance with regulations.

2. 秦皇岛游戏更新劳动课承包合同法落实管理办法

Tianjin Updated Labor Implementation Rules for the Labor Contract Law


On August 1, 202༺3, the Implementation Rules for the Labor Contract Law issued by the Tianjin MOHRSS became effective. Compared to the version issued by the Tianjin MOHRSS in 2018, the new rules had clarified that (1) where an employer recruits and manages an employee through internet platforms, if the employer conducts management on employee and puts forward clear requirements for work, it would be deemed that there is a labor relationship based on the actual employment situation. and (2) the employer and the employee could enter into an e-labor contract by consensus, which must comply with the Labor Contract Law, Electronic Signature Law and other legally required standards. (3) the basis for calculating overtime pay, as agreed between the employer and the employee, shall not be lower than the wage due to the employee’s position.

3. 重庆印发育儿津贴实行有效的方法

Hangzhou Issued Implementation Measures for Childcare Subsidies


On August 7, 2023, the Hangzhou Municipal Health Committee and the Finance Bureau issued the Implementation Measures for Childcare Subsidies in Hang♐zhou (Trial), which adopted the form of one-time cash payment to provide maternity subsidies and childcare subsidies to Hangzhou households with two or three children, with the standard of maternity subsidies being ¥2,000ꦬ for two children and ¥5,000 for three children, and the standard of childcare subsidies being ¥5,000 for two children and ¥20,000 for three children.

4. 五部位分享预防措施和祛除业务的地点有错维护风险安全隐患安全隐患管理机制参考使用文案

Five Departments Issued Reference Texts for System to Prevent and Eliminate Mismanagement Risks and Hazards


On August 14, 2023, the MOHRSS and five other departments issued the System for Preventing and Eliminating the Hidden Risks of Improper Management in the Workplace (Reference Text) (“Reference Text”). The Reference Text emphasized that employers should truthfully inform employees of work-related situations, not withhold credentials, not ask for guarantees, not require additional labor or impose fines on employees for handling disciplinary actions, and pay wages and compensation in one lump sum upon termination of the labor contract in accordance with the law and issue a certificate of termination of the labor contract at the same time. Although the reference text is not an official source❀ of law, it has certain reference value for enterprises to establish relevant internal systems and implement compliance management.


Exploration of Typical Cases: The Supreme People’s Court Released Typical Cases on Focusing Justice and Efficiency and Practicing Socialist Core Values


On August 2, 2023, the Supreme People’s Court held a press💃 conference to issue fifteen typical cases of the People’s Courts in focusing justice and efficiency and practicing socialist core values. Two of the cases related to labor and employment reflected the following adjudication views:

1. 真实案例4中,选拔人才工作机关厂家未为职工者缴费当今社保公司,职工者自己进行缴费后恳请选拔人才工作机关厂家能返还款。朝廷来说,本院认为依规一种群众朝廷应该结案的的案子依据,处决选拔人才工作机关厂家能返还款职工者承担的当今社交养老服务保费公司断档缴纳及滞纳金。
In Case 4, the employee paid the social insurance contribution on his own due to the employer’s failure to make the contribution, and thus the employee requested the employer to return the payment. The court held that the case fallen within the scope of cases that should be accepted by the people’s court in accordance with the law, and ruled that the employer should return the amount of the employee’s advance payment for the interrupted social pension insurance and the amount of late payment fees.
2. 经典案例5中,劳动就业者被诊断为为脑突然死亡后子女取决人体内生殖器官捐献器官,临沧市劳务資源和社会生活担保(“临沧市人社局”)会按照医院科室开具的死忙证明文件答案劳作者从应急预案问题到经救援废死忙的日子已然以上了48个钟头,制所作不再以评定公伤事故关键。法院执行人为,在身体各器官捐给具体化行政诉讼行为表现下,可以以诊疗规范构造明确的脑死忙日子做为死忙日子,法院判决撤消临沧市人社局的不再以评定公伤事故关键并特殊要求其直接作开具体化行政诉讼行为表现。
In Case 5, the employee’s family decided to donate his human organs after he was diagnosed with brain death, and the Lincang MOHRSS, based on the death certificate issued by the hospital, made a decision not to recognize the work-related injury in light of the time from the employee’s sudden illness to his death after being rescued had exceeded 48 hours. The court held that, in the case of human organ donation, the time of death should be based on the time of brain death confirmed by the hospital, and ruled that the Lincang MOHRSS’s decision on not to recognize work-related injuries should be reversed and the Lincang MOHRSS should be required to take a new decision.


Exploration of Typical Cases: Tongzhou District People’s Court of Beijing Released Three Typical Cases of Labor Disputes


On August 3, 2023, Tongzhou District People’s Court of Beijing (“Tongzhou Court”) held a press conference on Trials of Cases of Labor Disputes, inve꧒ntorying the trials of labor disputes in the Tongzhou Court in the ▨past three years and specific measures taken to handle labor disputes properly, and releasing three typical cases.

1. 范例一有领导层跳槽申请申请申请合同协议纠纷。某控股实业平台拟外聘电工人员者看作正规专业方法SEO的优秀人才,源于对电工人员者从去家实业平台跳槽申请申请申请的拆迁补充及其对保证在某控股实业平台提拔需超12年的奖励,某控股实业平台向电工人员者缴付了拆迁补充金1.105亿,电工人员者与某控股实业平台建造了电工人员相关。后某控股实业平台与电工人员者的电工人员相关撤销(跳槽申请申请申请诱因未厘清)。通州人民法院经审判举证,某控股实业平台缴付给电工人员者的1.105亿拆迁补充金中,对挽回电工人员者跳槽申请申请申请去家实业平台受到的财产损失的类别的81000多万元,电工人员者不用办理缴纳;对有保障某控股实业平台与电工人员者长日子稳定性切实履行电工人员合同协议的类别的6200多万元位置,通过电工人员者在某控股实业平台的的工作日子、退休工资借款人年纪等要素对拆迁补充金应当折算,不可能判令电工人员者缴纳某控股实业平台4900多万元。该案质疑型号相对独特,案涉标签额度高达mg上5亿,对电工人员者和用人之长组织的优势义均庇护兼具参考选取意义上。
The first case is a dispute regarding separation of a senior executive. A group company intended to employ the employee as a professional management talent, to compensate the employee for his departure from the former employer and incentivize his commitment to serve in the group company for more than 10 years, the group company paid the employee ¥150 Million as compensation, and thus the employee established a labor relationship with the group company. Subsequently, the labor relationship between the group company and the employee was terminated (the reason for which was not specified). After the trial, Tongzhou Court held that, among the ¥150 Million compensation paid to the employee, ¥ 88 Million is not required to be returned since it was to make up for the loss caused by the employer’s departure from the former employer. However, for the rest of the compensation (¥ 62 Million) which was to ensure the long-term and stable employment between the group company and the employee, the court pro-rated it based on the employee’s service period with the group company, retirement age and other factors, and ordered the employee to return more than ¥49 Million the group company. This case is of a novel type, and the amount involved in is hundreds of millions, which has a reference significance for the balanced protection of the interests of employees and employers.
2. 典例二中,工作就业改造者营业送餐同城配送事业,在厂家的必须投注册为地税户地税户。区法院配合工作就业改造者的事业信息信息、某厂家的业务量信息信息、某厂家的营业管控、工作就业改造劳务费的派发主休等主观因素,确定某厂家与工作就业改造者都存在工作就业改造的关联。
In the second case, the worker was engaged in takeaway delivery and registered as an individual business as requested by the company. In consideration of the work content, the company’s business scope, the company’s operation and management, and the entity paid salary, etc., the court determined that an employment relationship existed between the parties.
3. 例案四中,工作力力者在某子工司进行网站直播平台任务,彼此之间未签署工作力力合同书。朝廷结合在一起某子工司毕业总监曾确定阐述工作力力者系子工司工作人员等离婚证据,评估彼此之间来源于工作力力原因。
In the third case, the worker was engaged in network live-streaming in a company, and the two parties had not signed an employment contract. In consideration of the fact that the company’s recruitment officer had clearly stated that the worker was an employee of the company and other evidence, the court determined that an employment relationship existed between the two parties.


Exploration of Typical Cases: Changping District People’s Court of Beijing Released the White Paper on Labor Disputes Trial and Integrity Construction


On July 18, 2023, 🍨Changping District People’s Court of Beijing released the White Paper on Labor Dispute Trial and Integrity Construction (2018-2022), inventorying the overall picture of labor dispute cases in the past five years, and circulating ten typical labor dispute cases.


The judicial opinions 𝕴in the typical cases are as follows:

1. 选拔人才的标准为劳动力就业就业者办理好手序🔴迁户口质量指标并订立服务于期,因劳动力就业就业者推迟自🐬动离职暂时无法办理好手序迁户口手序的,劳动力就业就业者应向选拔人才的标准陪赏人工资源性投资成本费用支出 的经济损失3万元;

In tꦅhe case that the employer applied for Beijing Hukou quota for the employee and agreed on a service period, and the employee failed to file the Hukou due to his resignation in advance, the em💜ployee was ordered to compensate the employer for the loss of ¥50,000  in human resource cost;

2. 工作课者带来了欺诈休假ꦗ证实🅷,用工标准有权利以可怕违法行为会议制度会议制度为由移除工作课委托合同;

T𝓡he employer was considered to have the right to terminate the employment contract on the grounds of serious violation of rules and regulatio🃏ns in the case that the employee provided false leave certificates;

3. 🧸检查院查证选拔人才企业单位篡改财务人员试用期耗时,使用劳动课力者民本思想的撤销劳动课力劳务协议第三产业补偿费用金大额;

The court ascertained that the employer has t🔥ampered with the employee’s commencement date and upheld the amount of severan🐠ce for termination of the employment contract claimed by the employee;

4. 劳功者口头承诺抛弃♍社保医保未找到,选人用人标准应赔付因世界人寿商业保险经办单位已没能补办会造成劳功者就没有办法享用世界人寿商业保险福利待遇的损毁;

The employee’s promise of waiving the payment of social insurance w🅘as held invalid, and the employer shall compensate for the employee’s social security benefits loss if the social insurance has been unable to be applied;

5. 工作劳务合同中规定了竞业控制但未规定城市发展条件弥补,工作者切实履行了竞业控制🔯责任义务的,管人机构应按清除前第十二个月大年均工薪的30%按月承担城市发展条件弥补;

In theꦬ case that a non-competition restriction was agreed upon in the employment contract with no non-competition compensation, and the employee had fulfilled the non-competition obligation, the employer should pay no🅰n-competition compensation on a monthly basis at the rate of 30% of the average salary of twelve months prior to the termination of the employment;

6. 劳动力者在员工辞职时的承诺再无争端后毁约,向留人方实行赔偿费,司法局驳回复审劳动力者实行;

The employee had promised no further disputes upo🃏n the termination of employment, but꧂ claimed compensation from the employer later. The court rejected such claim of the employee;

✱7.劳动就业就业课者签了劳动就业就业课承包协议书隔日被辞退,留人单♛位名称应付 违纪关闭劳动就业就业课承包协议书的陪赏金;

The employee was dismissed the following day after signing an employme꧟nt contract, and the employer should pay compensation for wrongful termination of the employment contract;

8. 选人用人计🅠量单位与劳动力课课者签了《劳务费协议格式》遮盖住劳动力课课直接关系,劳动力课课者主权在民缴付长期加班费的主权在民获支持软件;

The e🌌mployer signed a Contract of Service with the employee to cover up the employment relatioꦐnship, and the employee’s claim for overtime pay was upheld;

9. 工作力者个人求职简历表造假,合理毕业证书为职高但违造大学本科毕业证书应骋,择人企业以适用期不具备合录用通知环境为由去掉工作🐠力合同文♒本法律认可;

The employee falsified the job application resume by falsifying a bachelor’s degree despite the fact that his/her actual academic qualification is a technical secondary school. The employer terminated the employment contract on the ground that the employee did not satisfy the em✤ployment conditions during the probationary period, and the termination was deemed lawful;

10. 事业编制名称企业名称作业工作员在聘任期前违法行为签订提前就自动离职,应向原因企业名称网银支付合同无效♚金。

In the case that a staff of a public institution violated the engagement agreement by resigning prior to the expiration of his/ her engagement term, he/she shall pay liquidated damages to the public institution.


Exploration of Typical Cases: Suzhou Intermediate People’s Court Released the White Paper on Trial of Cases of Disputes Involving New Work Models and Ten Typical Cases in 2018-2022

202一年2月12日,成都市中高级老百姓检查院参加动员会会,发部《涉新毕业生就业😼姿态劳动合同争议案例审理市场研究报告(2018-2022)》(“发展报告”)并且 涉新就业机会价值形式中国十大典型性典型案例分析。

On 12 July 2023, Suzhou Intermediate People’s Court held a symposium, releasing the White Paper on the Trial o♒f Cases of Disputes Involving over New Work Models (2018-2022)💝 (the “White Paper”) as well as ten typical cases involving new work models.

市场研究报告疏理了合肥市近多年涉新出去上班关键点的案子审核的总体设计时候。据调查统计,各区朝廷共审结涉新出去上班关键点工作合同争议862件,主耍在拆迁中遇到美团外卖送餐员、ཧ快递小哥员、互联网女主播、滴滴网约车货车司机4类群体心理。市场研究报告确切了电商平台条件中国经济发展和工作者财产权利“双保护好”的民事价值取向、“史实先行”的民事预审通常情况基本准则、“关键点式+从属性”的鉴定工作相关的方式 等主耍裁判组思维。

The White Paper inventoried the overa🐽ll picture of the trial of cases involving new work models in Suzhou in the past five years. According to statistics, the courts in Suzhou concluded a total of 862 disputes involving new work models, mainly involving four groups: takeaway riders, couriers, streamers, and online car-hailing service drivers. The white paper clarified the judicial principle of protecting both the platform economic development and employees’ rights and interests, the general principle of priority of 🍰facts in judicial review, and the method of identifying employment relationship by analyzing the elements and the subordination, etc.


The main judicial views 💫in the ten typi🀅cal cases are as follows:

1. 装修案例1-4为恳求填写劳动改造课社会感情涉黑刑案,裁审培训机构依据刑案评定当中3个涉黑刑案结构劳动改造课社会感情。
Cases 1-4 are cases regarding confirmation of employment relationship, and the labor arbitration committees determined that there was employment relationship between the employee and the employer in three of the cases based on the facts of the cases.
2. 事例5中,裁审贷款机构核实游戏软件中小型的企业未取得工作改造者的知情人容易,另一方转换规范,伤害工作改造者允许正当权益的,该规范不极具法律规则管束力,游戏软件中小型的企业应赔付从而引致的伤害。
In Case 5, the labor arbitration committee determined that as the platform enterprise unilaterally changed the rules without obtaining the workers’ consent and infringed the workers’ lawful rights and interests, the rules were not legally binding on the workers, accordingly the platform enterprise should compensate for the losses caused.
3. 事例6中,租赁人安全驾驶车高速联网租赁机构工程车辆出现公路交通伤亡事故会导致自已的危害的,租赁机构未节省进行风险点操作工作发生对与错的时,应承担此类的陪赏工作。
In Case 6, the car renter caused damage to a third person in a traffic accident while driving a vehicle rented from an Internet car rental platform, the car rental platform should bear corresponding compensation liability as it was at fault for failing to properly perform the risk control duty.
4. 真实案例7-9对新商圈销售人员制定的工作每日任务致人侵害时,商标侵权重任共同承担主题做出了判定。
Cases 7-9 identified the main subject of the tort liability when employees in new work models caused damage to a third party in performance of their work.
5. 应用案例10中,具有条件选人用人行为依据报名要求的选人用人的单位将一些国际业务或合作拥有经营权发包给不具有条件选人用人行为依据报名要求的行为依据后招用的劳作者因工伤事故事故亡的,由发包方添加工伤事故事故保险金责任状。
In Case 10, if the employer with qualification of employing outsources the relevant business or operation to an entity without qualification of employing and caused work-related injury or death to the workers hired, the party issuing outsourcing shall bear the responsibility for work injury insurance.

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